Skiing Down Mount Washington?!?


Thanks to Apres-enthusiast Stu for this shot from the summit of Mt. Washington earlier this week…. looks cold.  Period.  If you visit the Mount Washington observatory web site (, you can get 24 hour/day current conditions from the peak… at 9:30 on Friday morning it happens to be 9.5 degrees F with 82.6 mph winds, equating to a wind chill of negative 1 million.  Well done Stu, for defying the odds of nature.

The most interesting observation in this picture is in the lower-center, there appears to be ski tracks… now I have skied Tuckerman’s in early May (and done it on an inflatible aligator pool toy, which is pretty fun) but I didn’t know that anyone tried to ski down Mt. Washington in February!!  Good luck from us at Apres to anyone interested in the challenge — and please document the endeavor for our readers!